US SOLUTION- Hybrid Distributed Energy Resources
Utilizing Renewable Energy at the point of use
Efficiently adaptive
Choice applications:
Small Wind Generating Systems- VAWT & HAWT
Solar Systems- Mono/Poly Cristalline, Flex & See through
LED lighting- New & Retrofit projects development
Hybrid- client orientated custom design
There are two options to aproach saving of Energy, regardles of where we want to do this- at home, at your business, warehouse or your office:
PASIVE Energy Saving- by minimizing Disipation of the Energy thawards otimizing wals & doors insulation and windows heat transffer efficiency.
ACTIVE Energy Saving- by minimizing use of Energy with out affecting quolity of our live. Farther more, achiving better quality of lighting and heating by spending less money of by using the avelible everywere FREE sustanable energy.